Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meeting my two new friends...Bologna and Robbi!

Well, I've almost made it through me first week at my new home. T'was tough to do, but I did it. I've been working on me ship, and it's comin' along nicely. I also got to visit me mum's work, and unfortunatley got my cheeks pinched by all those salty wenches at the front desk! I don't mind much though....after all...who can resist a suave - swaggering pirate like myself?! She packed a great lunch, and I have fallen for a sandwich called Bologna! Whoever thought up this type of meat should be given a chest full of treasure!

I don't think that I need a lunchbox, but my mum disagrees. (Said I could not eat at this "McDonald's" I'd been hearing so much about.)

Ah...the sweet taste of goldfish crackers, and Bologna sandwiches!

Lunch was delicious at work, but do you really have to smother me in front of everyone?

Now, on to my favorite part of my week so far. I got to meet my mum's friend, Auntie Robbi! What a character she is! She'd make one heck of a pirate! Perhaps I should ask her to join me crew?

Arrrgg! Speak with you later mateys! I'm off to find my flag!


Blaznfire911 said...

WHen did you find time to make this blog Little Jack? I was only gone for a few minutes! Aren't you supposed to be working on your ship? Heaven knows that there are enough planks of wood laying around LOL

Robbi said...

I am so glad I got to meet you!!!
ANd I didn't squeeze your check's to much.. Just Big Hug's!!!!

Love your lunch you had!!Yummo!!!

See you alittle later!!!
Can't wait for you to tell us more about your ship!!

Auntie Robbi!Hugs!!!!

-Sir Jack said...

OMG! Little Jack and Auntie Robbie!!!
Oh, sorry, I forgot...AND a bologna sandwich. You're a busy little pirate!! Glad you had another great day with your mum and your new auntie!!! ~Cheers, mate!!

shakenbsis said...


I haven't had a bologna sandwich in years! Good choice Little Jack!!!

cute Robbi!